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DateTue Jul 23 14:50:32 BST 2019
Unique Job IDa7564b79ad7f34f3
SequenceMTRVSWLPDR ... Download FASTA
Job Typenormal
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Top model
Image coloured by rainbow N → C terminus
Model dimensions (Å):X:23.856 Y:27.039 Z:22.826
Model (left) based on template c3jcuS_
Top template information
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: S: PDB Molecule:chlorophyll a-b binding protein 26 kd (cp26);
PDBTitle: cryo-em structure of spinach psii-lhcii supercomplex at 3.2 angstrom2 resolution
Confidence and coverage
Confidence: 50.9% Coverage: 23%
28 residues ( 23% of your sequence) have been modelled with 50.9% confidence by the single highest scoring template.
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Template Alignment Coverage3D Model Confidence
% i.d. Template Information

50.9 43
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: S: PDB Molecule:chlorophyll a-b binding protein 26 kd (cp26);
PDBTitle: cryo-em structure of spinach psii-lhcii supercomplex at 3.2 angstrom2 resolution

27.0 57
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: 4: PDB Molecule:chlorophyll a-b binding protein p4, chloroplastic;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of plant photosystem i at 3 angstrom resolution

26.2 25
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a putative molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis2 protein f from burkholderia cenocepacia j2315

18.6 54
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: 6: PDB Molecule:lhca6;
PDBTitle: photosystem i of chlamydomonas reinhardtii

18.4 48
PDB header:plant protein
Chain: 6: PDB Molecule:lhca-g;
PDBTitle: structure of psi-lhci

16.9 43
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: 8: PDB Molecule:chlorophyll a-b binding protein 3, chloroplastic;
PDB Fragment:unp residues 2-81; PDBTitle: crystal structure of plant photosystem i-lhci super-complex at 2.82 angstrom resolution

13.8 44
PDB header:signaling protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:chemotaxis protein;
PDBTitle: structural basis for carboxylic acid recognition by a cache2 chemosensory domain.

13.7 50
Fold:Chlorophyll a-b binding protein
Superfamily:Chlorophyll a-b binding protein
Family:Chlorophyll a-b binding protein

13.3 50
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: R: PDB Molecule:chlorophyll a-b binding protein 29 kd (cp29);
PDBTitle: cryo-em structure of spinach psii-lhcii supercomplex at 3.2 angstrom2 resolution

13.2 52
PDB header:plant protein
Chain: 7: PDB Molecule:lhca-h;
PDBTitle: structure of psi-lhci

12.9 0
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:chemoreceptor tlpb;
PDBTitle: periplasmic portion of the helicobacter pylori chemoreceptor tlpb with2 hydroxyurea bound

12.5 43
PDB header:plant protein
Chain: 0: PDB Molecule:lhca-j;
PDBTitle: structure of psi-lhci

12.2 40
PDB header:plant protein
Chain: 3: PDB Molecule:lhca-d;
PDBTitle: structure of psi-lhci

12.1 38
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: 4: PDB Molecule:chlorophyll a-b binding protein, chloroplastic;
PDBTitle: cryo-em structure of the psii supercomplex from arabidopsis thaliana

11.8 45
PDB header:plant protein
Chain: 9: PDB Molecule:lhca-i;
PDBTitle: structure of psi-lhci

11.6 57
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: 4: PDB Molecule:lhca4;
PDBTitle: photosystem i of chlamydomonas reinhardtii

11.6 80
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: 2: PDB Molecule:type ii chlorophyll a/b binding protein from photosystem i;
PDBTitle: the structure of a plant photosystem i supercomplex at 3.4 angstrom2 resolution

11.5 30
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: 8: PDB Molecule:lhca8;
PDBTitle: photosystem i of chlamydomonas reinhardtii

10.3 28
Fold:Core binding factor beta, CBF
Superfamily:Core binding factor beta, CBF
Family:Core binding factor beta, CBF

10.2 52
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: 7: PDB Molecule:lhca7;
PDBTitle: photosystem i of chlamydomonas reinhardtii

not modelled 10.2 57
Fold:Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich
Family:I set domains

not modelled 8.9 67
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: 2: PDB Molecule:chlorophyll a-b binding protein, chloroplastic;
PDBTitle: structure of the green algal photosystem i supercomplex with light-2 harvesting complex i

not modelled 8.7 47
PDB header:hormone/growth factor
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 6;
PDBTitle: structure of the n-terminal subdomain of insulin-like2 growth factor (igf) binding protein-6 and its interactions3 with igfs

not modelled 8.6 29
Fold:Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich
Family:C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like)

not modelled 8.5 48
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: 2: PDB Molecule:lhca2;
PDBTitle: photosystem i of chlamydomonas reinhardtii

not modelled 8.3 26
PDB header:virus like particle/signaling protein
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:e1 glycoprotein;
PDBTitle: electron cryo-microscopy of chikungunya vlp in complex with mouse2 mxra8 receptor

not modelled 6.8 50
PDB header:apoptosis
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:activator of apoptosis harakiri;
PDBTitle: solution structure of the transmembrane domain of bcl-2 member2 harakiri in micelles

not modelled 6.8 33
PDB header:virus
Chain: G: PDB Molecule:e1 envelope glycoprotein;
PDBTitle: models of e1, e2 and cp of venezuelan equine encephalitis virus tc-832 strain restrained by a near atomic resolution cryo-em map

not modelled 6.7 38
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein ism_01780;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of uncharacterized protein ism_01780 from2 roseovarius nubinhibens ism

not modelled 6.6 67
PDB header:ligase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:autophagy-related protein 3;
PDBTitle: the crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae atg3

not modelled 6.5 64
Fold:Restriction endonuclease-like
Superfamily:Restriction endonuclease-like
Family:TnsA endonuclease, N-terminal domain

not modelled 6.5 21
PDB header:virus
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:e1 envelope glycoprotein;
PDBTitle: modeling barmah forest virus structural proteins

not modelled 6.2 33
PDB header:signaling protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer;
PDBTitle: periplasmic sensor domain of chemotaxis protein, adeh_3718

not modelled 5.8 54
PDB header:virus
Chain: G: PDB Molecule:e1 envelope glycoprotein;
PDBTitle: sindbis virion

not modelled 5.8 50
PDB header:isomerase
Chain: E: PDB Molecule:4-deoxy-l-threo-5-hexosulose-uronate ketol-
PDBTitle: crystal structure of 4-deoxy-1-threo-5-hexosulose-uronate2 ketol-isomerase from enterococcus faecalis

not modelled 5.7 15
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:wbpb;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the wlba (wbpb) dehydrogenase from pseudomonas2 aeruginosa in complex with nad at 1.5 angstrom resolution

not modelled 5.7 60
PDB header:toxin
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:covalitoxin-i;
PDBTitle: solution structure of covalitoxin i

not modelled 5.7 56
PDB header:ligase
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:autophagy-related protein 3;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana atg7ntd-atg3 complex

not modelled 5.7 57
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: 2: PDB Molecule:lhcr2;
PDBTitle: cryo-em structure of the red algal psi-lhcr

not modelled 5.4 52
PDB header:plant protein
Chain: 2: PDB Molecule:lhca-c;
PDBTitle: structure of psi-lhci

not modelled 5.4 50
Fold:Double-stranded beta-helix
Superfamily:RmlC-like cupins

not modelled 5.2 70
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: 1: PDB Molecule:at3g54890;
PDBTitle: the structure of a plant photosystem i supercomplex at 3.4 angstrom2 resolution

Binding site prediction 

Due to computational demand, binding site predictions are not run for batch jobs

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