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DateFri Jul 26 01:50:31 BST 2019
Unique Job ID885444544613d98b
SequenceVDPLMAHQRA ... Download FASTA
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Top model
Image coloured by rainbow N → C terminus
Model dimensions (Å):X:49.758 Y:53.128 Z:33.763
Model (left) based on template c2nsfA_
Top template information
PDB header:isomerase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:hypothetical protein cgl3021;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the mycothiol-dependent maleylpyruvate isomerase
Confidence and coverage
Confidence:100.0% Coverage: 99%
180 residues ( 99% of your sequence) have been modelled with 100.0% confidence by the single highest scoring template.
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Template Alignment Coverage3D Model Confidence
% i.d. Template Information

100.0 19
PDB header:isomerase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:hypothetical protein cgl3021;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the mycothiol-dependent maleylpyruvate isomerase

100.0 21
Fold:DinB/YfiT-like putative metalloenzymes
Superfamily:DinB/YfiT-like putative metalloenzymes
Family:Maleylpyruvate isomerase-like

98.6 13
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:bh0186 protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a putative yfit-like metal-dependent hydrolase2 (bh0186) from bacillus halodurans c-125 at 2.30 a resolution

98.4 9
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:irc4;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of yeast irc4

98.4 10
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dinb/yfit family protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of dinb/yfit protein dr0053 from d. radiodurans r1

98.2 14
Fold:DinB/YfiT-like putative metalloenzymes
Superfamily:DinB/YfiT-like putative metalloenzymes
Family:YfiT-like putative metal-dependent hydrolases

98.2 13
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:sibling bacteriocin;
PDBTitle: sibling lethal factor precursor - dfsb

98.0 19
Fold:DinB/YfiT-like putative metalloenzymes
Superfamily:DinB/YfiT-like putative metalloenzymes

97.9 18
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the conserved protein of locus ef_3021 from2 enterococcus faecalis

97.9 10
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the b1rzq2 protein from streptococcus pneumoniae.2 northeast structural genomics consortium (nesg) target spr36.

97.9 22
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:hypothetical protein ttha0303;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of tt2238, a four-helix bundle protein

97.8 13
PDB header:metal binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dinb-like protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a dinb-like protein (bce_4655) from bacillus2 cereus atcc 10987 at 2.01 a resolution

97.8 9
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dinb-like protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a dinb-like protein (yjoa, bsu12410) from2 bacillus subtilis at 2.30 a resolution

97.6 10
Fold:DinB/YfiT-like putative metalloenzymes
Superfamily:DinB/YfiT-like putative metalloenzymes

97.4 7
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein yiza;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a putative metal-dependent hydrolase (yiza,2 bsu10800) from bacillus subtilis at 1.90 a resolution

97.3 9
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:apc36150;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of putative metal-dependent hydrolases2 apc36150

97.2 17
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of uncharacterised protein q1r1x2 from escherichia2 coli uti89

97.1 8
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of uncharacterized protein q8dwv2 from streptococcus2 agalactiae

97.0 13
Fold:DinB/YfiT-like putative metalloenzymes
Superfamily:DinB/YfiT-like putative metalloenzymes

96.9 13
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:colibactin self-protection protein clbs;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a self resistance protein clbs from colibactin2 biosynthetic gene cluster

not modelled 63.1 12
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:damage-inducible protein dinb;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the bacillithiol transferase bsta from2 staphylococcus aureus.

not modelled 21.8 60
PDB header:lipid binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:antilipopolysaccharide factor;
PDBTitle: solution structure of an antilipopolysaccharide factor from2 shrimp and its possible lipid a binding site

not modelled 10.2 16
PDB header:protein binding
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:oryza sativa rurm1-related;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of rurm1-related protein from plasmodium yoelii,2 py06420

not modelled 7.9 16
PDB header:signaling protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:hypothetical protein loc64762;
PDBTitle: solution structure of the sam_pnt-domain of the2 hypothetical protein loc64762

not modelled 7.4 13
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: solution structure of urm1 from trypanosoma brucei

not modelled 7.1 20
Fold:N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase-like
Superfamily:N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase-like
Family:N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase-like

not modelled 6.0 44
PDB header:de novo protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:coiled-coil trimer with glu:trp:lys triad;
PDBTitle: coiled-coil trimer with glu:trp:lys triad

not modelled 5.3 44
PDB header:de novo protein
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:coiled-coil trimer with glu:trp:lys triad;
PDBTitle: coiled-coil trimer with glu:trp:lys triad

not modelled 5.1 80
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:"Winged helix" DNA-binding domain
Family:Marine metagenome family WH1

Binding site prediction 

Due to computational demand, binding site predictions are not run for batch jobs

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