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DateFri Jul 26 01:50:50 BST 2019
Unique Job ID33263c134f36c49b
SequenceMGILDKVKNL ... Download FASTA
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Top model
Image coloured by rainbow N → C terminus
Model dimensions (Å):X:23.454 Y:14.930 Z:20.038
Model (left) based on template c5uoiA_
Top template information
PDB header:de novo protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:hhh_rd1_0142;
PDBTitle: solution structure of the de novo mini protein hhh_rd1_0142
Confidence and coverage
Confidence: 36.2% Coverage: 41%
24 residues ( 41% of your sequence) have been modelled with 36.2% confidence by the single highest scoring template.
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Template Alignment Coverage3D Model Confidence
% i.d. Template Information

36.2 21
PDB header:de novo protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:hhh_rd1_0142;
PDBTitle: solution structure of the de novo mini protein hhh_rd1_0142

23.3 25
Fold:Four-helical up-and-down bundle
Superfamily:Domain of the SRP/SRP receptor G-proteins
Family:Domain of the SRP/SRP receptor G-proteins

22.3 29
PDB header:calcium binding protein/antitumor protei
Chain: D: PDB Molecule:calcyclin-binding protein;
PDBTitle: solution structure of calcium loaded s100a6 bound to c-2 terminal siah-1 interacting protein

19.1 39
PDB header:transferase inhibitor
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:cholesteryl ester transferase inhibitor protein;
PDBTitle: structural studies of a baboon (papio sp.) plasma protein2 inhibitor of cholesteryl ester transferase.

18.1 29
PDB header:calcium binding protein/antitumor protei
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:calcyclin-binding protein;
PDBTitle: solution structure of calcium loaded s100a6 bound to c-2 terminal siah-1 interacting protein

11.9 9
PDB header:antimicrobial protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:saposin-like protein family protein 5;
PDBTitle: solution structure of caenopore-5 (81 pro trans confomer)

11.5 40
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:putative late embryogenesis abundant protein;
PDBTitle: solution structure of a putative late embryogenesis2 abundant (lea) protein at2g46140.1

10.1 42
PDB header:antibiotic
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:gaegurin-4;
PDBTitle: the high-resolution solution conformation of an2 antimicrobial peptide gaegurin 4 and its mode of membrane3 interaction

8.6 50
PDB header:transcription
Chain: F: PDB Molecule:general control protein gcn4;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of trimeric coiled coil gcn4 leucine zipper

8.2 20
Fold:Dodecin subunit-like

8.1 13
PDB header:translation
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:alanine--trna ligase, cytoplasmic;
PDBTitle: a fragment of a human trna synthetase

7.6 22
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:polymerase basic protein 2;
PDBTitle: the 627-domain from influenza a virus polymerase pb22 subunit with glu-627

7.4 43
PDB header:transcription
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:general control protein gcn4;
PDBTitle: gcn4-pvsl coiled-coil trimer with serine at the a(16)2 position

7.4 43
PDB header:transcription
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:general control protein gcn4;
PDBTitle: gcn4-pvsl coiled-coil trimer with serine at the a(16)2 position

7.3 19
PDB header:metal binding protein
Chain: I: PDB Molecule:protein transport protein sece2;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the calcium chelating immunodominant antigen,2 calcium dodecin (rv0379),from mycobacterium tuberculosis with a novel3 calcium-binding site

7.2 43
PDB header:transcription
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:general control protein gcn4;
PDBTitle: gcn4-pvtl coiled-coil trimer with threonine at the a(16)2 position

7.2 43
PDB header:leucine zipper
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:gcn4p1;
PDBTitle: gcn4-leucine zipper core mutant as n16a complexed with benzene

7.2 43
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:general control protein gcn4;
PDBTitle: gcn4-leucine zipper core mutant as n16a trigonal automatic2 solution

7.2 43
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:general control protein gcn4;
PDBTitle: gcn4-leucine zipper core mutant as n16a trigonal automatic2 solution

7.2 43
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:general control protein gcn4;
PDBTitle: gcn4-leucine zipper core mutant as n16a trigonal automatic2 solution

not modelled 7.2 43
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:general control protein gcn4;
PDBTitle: antiparallel trimer of gcn4-leucine zipper core mutant as n16a2 tetragonal form

not modelled 7.2 43
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:general control protein gcn4;
PDBTitle: gcn4-leucine zipper core mutant as n16a trigonal automatic2 solution

not modelled 6.8 15
Fold:SAM domain-like
Superfamily:Hypothetical protein YjbJ
Family:Hypothetical protein YjbJ

not modelled 6.8 43
PDB header:transcription
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:general control protein gcn4;
PDBTitle: gcn4-pvtl coiled-coil trimer with threonine at the a(16)2 position

not modelled 6.7 5
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:atp-dependent target dna activator b;
PDBTitle: solution structure of n terminal domain of the mub aaa+ atpase

not modelled 6.5 12
Fold:beta-beta-alpha zinc fingers
Superfamily:beta-beta-alpha zinc fingers
Family:HkH motif-containing C2H2 finger

not modelled 6.2 31
PDB header:flavoprotein
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:dodecin;
PDBTitle: h.halophila dodecin in complex with riboflavin

not modelled 5.9 43
Fold:Secretion chaperone-like
Superfamily:YgaC/TfoX-N like

not modelled 5.3 33
PDB header:apolipoprotein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:apoc-i;
PDBTitle: human apolipoprotein c-i, nmr, 18 structures

not modelled 5.3 58
PDB header:virus
Chain: E: PDB Molecule:general control protein gcn4;
PDBTitle: placement of the structural proteins in sindbis virus

Binding site prediction 

Due to computational demand, binding site predictions are not run for batch jobs

If you want to predict binding sites, please manually submit your model of choice to 3DLigandSite