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DateFri Jul 26 01:50:51 BST 2019
Unique Job ID7aa89a3b61a079b3
SequenceMDAAQVIEPA ... Download FASTA
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Top model
Image coloured by rainbow N → C terminus
Model dimensions (Å):X:24.775 Y:28.872 Z:24.612
Model (left) based on template d1k78a1
Top template information
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Family:Paired domain
Confidence and coverage
Confidence: 91.6% Coverage: 9%
40 residues ( 9% of your sequence) have been modelled with 91.6% confidence by the single highest scoring template.
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Template Alignment Coverage3D Model Confidence
% i.d. Template Information

91.6 25
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Family:Paired domain

91.2 20
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Family:Paired domain

89.7 23
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Family:Paired domain

88.6 20
PDB header:gene regulation/dna
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:homeobox protein pax-6;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the human pax-6 paired domain-dna2 complex reveals a general model for pax protein-dna3 interactions

87.8 28
Fold:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Superfamily:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Family:POU-specific domain

86.6 25
Fold:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Superfamily:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Family:POU-specific domain

85.7 17
PDB header:cell cycle
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:protein cut8;
PDBTitle: structure of proteasome tether

85.2 26
PDB header:transcription/dna
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:protein pit-1;
PDBTitle: pit-1 mutant/dna complex

84.5 9
PDB header:dna binding protein/dna
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:transposable element tc3 transposase;
PDBTitle: structure of the bipartite dna-binding domain of tc32 transposase bound to transposon dna

83.9 24
PDB header:recombination/dna
Chain: F: PDB Molecule:putative transposon tn552 dna-invertase bin3;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a serine recombinase- dna regulatory2 complex

83.1 22
PDB header:transcription
Chain: G: PDB Molecule:rna polymerase sigma factor sigma-28 (flia);
PDBTitle: cocrystal structure of the flagellar sigma/anti-sigma complex, sigma-2 28/flgm

82.0 23
PDB header:transcription regulator/dna
Chain: K: PDB Molecule:pou domain, class 6, transcription factor 1;
PDBTitle: structure of human brn-5 transcription factor in complex2 with corticotrophin-releasing hormone gene promoter

80.8 25
PDB header:transcription/dna
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:pou domain, class 5, transcription factor 1;
PDBTitle: pou protein:dna complex

80.8 33
PDB header:ribosome
Chain: G: PDB Molecule:40s ribosomal protein s13, putative;
PDBTitle: high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of the trypanosoma2 brucei ribosome

80.6 17
PDB header:dna binding protein/dna
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:transposase;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the bacteriophage mu transpososome

80.2 24
PDB header:transcription regulator
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:paired box protein pax-8;
PDBTitle: solution structure of human pax8 paired box domain

78.5 28
PDB header:ribosome
Chain: N: PDB Molecule:40s ribosomal protein s13;
PDBTitle: the structure of the eukaryotic ribosome at 3.0 a resolution. this2 entry contains proteins of the 40s subunit, ribosome a

78.2 28
PDB header:ribosome
Chain: O: PDB Molecule:40s ribosomal protein rps13 (s15p);
PDBTitle: localization of the small subunit ribosomal proteins into a 6.1 a2 cryo-em map of saccharomyces cerevisiae translating 80s ribosome

78.1 20
PDB header:transcription
Chain: D: PDB Molecule:possible trp repressor;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a putative trp repressor from staphylococcus2 aureus

77.7 21
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:sleeping beauty transposase;
PDBTitle: nmr structure of the pai subdomain of sleeping beauty transposase

not modelled 77.6 28
PDB header:ribosome
Chain: O: PDB Molecule:rps13e;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the eukaryotic 40s ribosomal2 subunit in complex with initiation factor 1. this file3 contains the 40s subunit and initiation factor for4 molecule 1

not modelled 77.1 18
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: F: PDB Molecule:putative trp repressor protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of putative trpr protein from ruminococcus obeum

not modelled 77.0 16
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Family:Trp repressor, TrpR

not modelled 76.8 38
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:octamer-binding transcription factor 1;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the dna-binding domain of oct-1 bound to dna as a2 dimer

not modelled 75.8 18
PDB header:recombination, dna
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:transposon gamma-delta resolvase;
PDBTitle: an activated, tetrameric gamma-delta resolvase: hin chimaera bound to2 cleaved dna

not modelled 75.4 27
PDB header:transcription
Chain: E: PDB Molecule:dormancy survival regulator;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis hypoxic2 response regulator dosr c-terminal domain

not modelled 75.3 23
PDB header:transcription/dna
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:pou domain, class 3, transcription factor 1;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the dimeric oct-6 (pou3f1) pou domain2 bound to palindromic more dna

not modelled 74.3 13
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Family:Trp repressor, TrpR

not modelled 74.3 13
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:centromere abp1 protein;
PDBTitle: low resolution solution structure of the two dna-binding2 domains in schizosaccharomyces pombe abp1 protein

not modelled 71.4 20
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:C-terminal effector domain of the bipartite response regulators
Family:GerE-like (LuxR/UhpA family of transcriptional regulators)

not modelled 70.5 27
PDB header:ribosome
Chain: Q: PDB Molecule:30s ribosomal protein s15p/s13e;
PDBTitle: promiscuous behavior of proteins in archaeal ribosomes revealed by2 cryo-em: implications for evolution of eukaryotic ribosomes (30s3 ribosomal subunit)

not modelled 69.3 30
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:transcriptional regulatory protein fixj;
PDBTitle: solution structure of the c-terminal transcriptional2 activator domain of fixj from sinorhizobium melilot

not modelled 68.9 23
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:ssrb;
PDBTitle: ssrb dna binding protein

not modelled 68.9 17
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dna-binding response regulator;
PDBTitle: structure of transcription factor, gere

not modelled 68.8 26
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:C-terminal effector domain of the bipartite response regulators
Family:GerE-like (LuxR/UhpA family of transcriptional regulators)

not modelled 66.0 20
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:C-terminal effector domain of the bipartite response regulators
Family:GerE-like (LuxR/UhpA family of transcriptional regulators)

not modelled 66.0 19
PDB header:dna recombination
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:transposase;
PDBTitle: three-dimensional structure of the hermes dna transposase

not modelled 65.8 24
PDB header:transcription regulator
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:transcriptional regulator;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of putative transcriptional regulator containing a2 luxr dna binding domain (np_811094.1) from bacteroides3 thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.04 a resolution

not modelled 64.5 23
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:response regulator protein vrar;
PDBTitle: nmr structure of the s. aureus vrar dna binding domain

not modelled 64.2 22
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:Sigma3 and sigma4 domains of RNA polymerase sigma factors

not modelled 63.0 17
PDB header:ribosome
Chain: N: PDB Molecule:40s ribosomal protein s13, putative;
PDBTitle: small subunit of trichomonas vaginalis ribosome

not modelled 62.0 27
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:C-terminal effector domain of the bipartite response regulators
Family:GerE-like (LuxR/UhpA family of transcriptional regulators)

not modelled 61.8 22
PDB header:rna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:rna polymerase sigma-h factor;
PDBTitle: the crystal structure of the rna polymerase sigma-h factor from2 fusobacterium nucleatum to 2.5a

not modelled 60.7 28
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:C-terminal effector domain of the bipartite response regulators
Family:GerE-like (LuxR/UhpA family of transcriptional regulators)

not modelled 59.0 25
PDB header:transcription
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:transcriptional regulatory protein coma;
PDBTitle: nmr solution structure of the dna binding domain of competence protein2 a

not modelled 58.9 19
Fold:Ribonuclease H-like motif
Superfamily:Ribonuclease H-like
Family:mu transposase, core domain

not modelled 58.9 15

not modelled 58.2 26
PDB header:transcription
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:quorum-sensing control repressor;
PDBTitle: quorum sensing control repressor, qscr, bound to n-3-oxo-dodecanoyl-l-2 homoserine lactone

not modelled 56.0 11
PDB header:transcription, transferase/dna/rna
Chain: F: PDB Molecule:rna polymerase sigma factor rpos;
PDBTitle: sigmas-transcription initiation complex with 4-nt nascent rna

not modelled 55.0 26
PDB header:transcription
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:two component transcriptional regulatory protein devr;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis hypoxic response2 regulator dosr

not modelled 54.3 14
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle

not modelled 53.9 20
PDB header:transcription
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:transcriptional regulator, luxr family;
PDBTitle: vibrio cholerae vpst

not modelled 52.6 7
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:putative uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: structural view of a non pfam singleton and crystal packing analysis

not modelled 51.1 28
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:putative uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: nmr solution structure of a crispr repeat binding protein

not modelled 49.7 30
PDB header:transcription
Chain: G: PDB Molecule:transcriptional regulatory protein rcsb;
PDBTitle: conformational dynamism for dna interaction in salmonella typhimurium2 rcsb response regulator.

not modelled 49.5 15
PDB header:transferase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:sulfotransferase;
PDBTitle: schistosoma mansoni (blood fluke) sulfotransferase/oxamniquine complex

not modelled 49.4 15
PDB header:transcription regulator
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:positive transcription regulator evga;
PDBTitle: putative positive transcription regulator (sensor evgs) from shigella2 flexneri

not modelled 49.1 21
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:antiterminator q protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of bacteriophage 21 q protein

not modelled 48.0 7
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:trna modification gtpase mnme;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of mnme from chlorobium tepidum in complex2 with gcp

not modelled 47.2 15
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:"Winged helix" DNA-binding domain
Family:Penicillinase repressor

not modelled 46.9 22
PDB header:transcription/dna
Chain: D: PDB Molecule:esx-1 secretion-associated regulator espr;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis espr in complex with a2 small dna fragment

not modelled 42.5 22
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of n-terminal part of the protein bf1531 from2 bacteroides fragilis containing phosphatase domain complexed with mg3 and tungstate

not modelled 41.3 3
PDB header:recombination/dna
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:putative integrase [bacteriophage a118];
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a lsr-dna complex

not modelled 40.6 22
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:response regulator protein vrar;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the magnesium and beryllofluoride-activated vrar2 from staphylococcus aureus

not modelled 39.2 19
PDB header:protein binding
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:huntingtin;
PDBTitle: human huntingtin-hap40 complex structure

not modelled 38.4 13
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:trna modification gtpase mnme;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of mnme from nostoc in complex with gdp, folinic2 acid and zn

not modelled 38.1 11
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:integrase;
PDBTitle: solution nmr structure of a phage integrase ssp19472 fragment 59-159 from staphylococcus saprophyticus,3 northeast structural genomics consortium target syr103b

not modelled 37.6 16
Fold:Ribonuclease H-like motif
Superfamily:Ribonuclease H-like
Family:Hermes transposase-like

not modelled 36.3 18
PDB header:transcription
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:response regulator protein vrar;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the beryllofluoride-activated liar from2 enterococcus faecium

not modelled 35.7 8
PDB header:recombination
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:prophage pi2 protein 01, integrase;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of the prophage pi2 protein2 01 (integrase) from lactococcus lactis, northeast structural genomics3 consortium target kr124f

not modelled 35.0 36
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:peroxin 14;
PDBTitle: targeting the pex14-pex5 interaction by small molecules provides novel2 therapeutic routes to treat trypanosomiases.

not modelled 34.8 10
Fold:Ribonuclease H-like motif
Superfamily:Ribonuclease H-like
Family:Retroviral integrase, catalytic domain

not modelled 34.8 14
PDB header:isomerase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:2-hydroxyisobutyryl-coa mutase large subunit;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of 2-hydroxyisobutyryl-coa mutase

not modelled 34.2 15
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:response regulator chra;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of response regulator chra in heme-sensing two2 component system

not modelled 34.1 29
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:transcriptional regulator lsrr;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of full length transcription repressor lsrr from e.2 coli.

not modelled 33.6 27
PDB header:transcription
Chain: D: PDB Molecule:sorbitol operon regulator;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the full-length sorbitol operon2 regulator sorc from klebsiella pneumoniae

not modelled 33.2 26
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:Sigma3 and sigma4 domains of RNA polymerase sigma factors

not modelled 31.9 25
PDB header:viral protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:integrase;
PDBTitle: the 1.1 angstrom structure of catalytic core domain of fiv integrase

not modelled 31.9 22
PDB header:dna binding protein/unknown function
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:rna polymerase sigma factor;
PDBTitle: co-crystal structure of the sigma factor rpoe in complex with the2 anti-sigma factor nepr from bartonella quintana

not modelled 31.6 13
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:probable trna modification gtpase trme;
PDBTitle: structure of the gtp-binding protein trme from thermotoga2 maritima complexed with 5-formyl-thf

not modelled 31.3 17
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:"Winged helix" DNA-binding domain
Family:ROK associated domain

not modelled 31.3 14
Family:Phosphoribosyltransferases (PRTases)

not modelled 31.1 27
PDB header:signal transduction protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:nitrate/nitrite response regulator protein narl;
PDBTitle: the nitrate/nitrite response regulator protein narl from narl

not modelled 30.9 21
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:"Winged helix" DNA-binding domain
Family:Iron-dependent repressor protein

not modelled 30.8 14
Fold:Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolase-like
Superfamily:Nucleotidylyl transferase
Family:Class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (RS), catalytic domain

not modelled 30.6 27
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:atp-dependent target dna activator b;
PDBTitle: solution structure of n terminal domain of the mub aaa+ atpase

not modelled 30.5 22
Family:SP1160 C-terminal domain-like

not modelled 30.0 21
PDB header:transferase/dna
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dna polymerase delta catalytic subunit;
PDBTitle: ternary complex of dna polymerase delta

not modelled 28.5 25
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:"Winged helix" DNA-binding domain
Family:Arginine repressor (ArgR), N-terminal DNA-binding domain

not modelled 28.3 19
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:"Winged helix" DNA-binding domain
Family:MarR-like transcriptional regulators

not modelled 27.6 13
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of putative lipoprotein from peptoclostridium2 difficile 630 (fragment)

not modelled 27.4 21
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:probable transcriptional activator protein trar;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of an anti-activation complex in bacterial quorum2 sensing

not modelled 27.4 21
PDB header:transcription/dna
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:transcriptional regulator luxr family;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the vibrio cholera vqma-ligand-dna complex2 provides molecular mechanisms for drug design

not modelled 27.2 23
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:"Winged helix" DNA-binding domain
Family:Iron-dependent repressor protein

not modelled 27.1 10
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:"Winged helix" DNA-binding domain
Family:Helicase DNA-binding domain

not modelled 27.0 19
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:Sigma3 and sigma4 domains of RNA polymerase sigma factors
Family:Sigma4 domain

not modelled 26.9 25
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:"Winged helix" DNA-binding domain
Family:Arginine repressor (ArgR), N-terminal DNA-binding domain

not modelled 25.7 17
PDB header:transcription
Chain: F: PDB Molecule:ecf rna polymerase sigma factor sigh;
PDBTitle: mycobacterium tuberculosis rna polymerase holoenzyme with ecf sigma2 factor sigma h

not modelled 25.0 20
PDB header:transcription/dna
Chain: D: PDB Molecule:transcriptional activator protein trar;
PDBTitle: three-dimensional structure of the quorum sensing protein trar bound2 to its autoinducer and to its target dna

not modelled 24.4 23
PDB header:biosynthetic protein, transferase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:pyridoxine biosynthesis protein snz1;
PDBTitle: structure of the synthase subunit pdx1.1 (snz1) of plp synthase from2 saccharomyces cerevisiae

not modelled 24.2 22
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:KorB DNA-binding domain-like
Family:KorB DNA-binding domain-like

not modelled 24.1 25
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:"Winged helix" DNA-binding domain
Family:Arginine repressor (ArgR), N-terminal DNA-binding domain

not modelled 23.9 27
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: D: PDB Molecule:hypothetical protein mj0408;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of protein mj0408 from methanococcus jannaschii,2 pfam duf372

not modelled 23.0 20
PDB header:transcription/membrane protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:rna polymerase sigma factor;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis anti-sigma factor rsla2 in complex with -35 promoter binding domain of sigl

not modelled 22.9 18
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily:"Winged helix" DNA-binding domain
Family:Heat-inducible transcription repressor HrcA, N-terminal domain

not modelled 22.7 9
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:integrase;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the catalytic core domain of mmtv integrase

not modelled 22.5 22
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:regulatory protein sdia;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of escherichia coli sdia in the space group c2

not modelled 22.3 21
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dna-binding protein hu-beta;
PDBTitle: structure of dna-binding protein hu from micoplasma spiroplasma2 melliferum

not modelled 22.1 12
PDB header:transport protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:lipoprotein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the substrate binding protein of a methionine2 transporter from streptococcus pneumoniae

not modelled 22.0 7
Fold:Isochorismatase-like hydrolases
Superfamily:Isochorismatase-like hydrolases
Family:Isochorismatase-like hydrolases

not modelled 22.0 15
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:hypothetical protein sso2273;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the hypothetical protein sso2273 from2 sulfolobus solfataricus

not modelled 21.9 13
PDB header:recombination
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:phage integrase/site-specific recombinase;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of phage integrase/site-2 specific recombinase (tnp) from haloarcula marismortui, northeast3 structural genomics consortium target hmr208a

not modelled 21.9 14
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:degv family protein;
PDBTitle: the structure of a degv family protein from eubacterium eligens.

not modelled 21.8 26
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:sleeping beauty transposase;
PDBTitle: nmr structure of the red subdomain of the sleeping beauty transposase

not modelled 21.7 22
PDB header:protein binding
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:ccr4-not transcription complex subunit 1;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of human cnot1 mif4g domain in complex with a ttp2 peptide

not modelled 21.5 38
PDB header:structure genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein cvnb5;
PDBTitle: the crystal structure of the roadblock/lc7 domain from streptomyces2 avermitillis to 1.85a

not modelled 21.5 26
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle

not modelled 21.4 24
PDB header:lyase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:pyridoxal biosynthesis lyase pdxs;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of pyridoxal biosynthesis lyase pdxs from pyrococcus

not modelled 20.7 18
PDB header:transcription regulator
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:response regulatory protein;
PDBTitle: low resolution structure of response regulator styr

not modelled 20.4 22
PDB header:transferase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:uracil phosphoribosyltransferase;
PDBTitle: structure of uracil phosphoribosyl transferase

Binding site prediction 

Due to computational demand, binding site predictions are not run for batch jobs

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