PDB header:motor protein Chain: A: PDB Molecule:flagellar hook protein flge; PDBTitle: atomic model of the bacterial flagellar hook based on2 docking an x-ray derived structure and terminal two alpha-3 helices into an 7.1 angstrom resolution cryoem map
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45 residues ( 49% of your sequence) have been modelled with 46.1% confidence by the single highest scoring template.
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Region: 41 - 87 Aligned: 45 Modelled: 47 Confidence: 46.1% Identity: 24% PDB header:motor protein Chain: A: PDB Molecule:flagellar hook protein flge; PDBTitle: atomic model of the bacterial flagellar hook based on2 docking an x-ray derived structure and terminal two alpha-3 helices into an 7.1 angstrom resolution cryoem map
Region: 41 - 73 Aligned: 33 Modelled: 33 Confidence: 15.9% Identity: 21% PDB header:transcription regulator, metal binding p Chain: D: PDB Molecule:feoa; PDBTitle: crystal structure of iron uptake regulatory protein (feoa) solved by2 sulfur sad in a monoclinic space group
Region: 67 - 87 Aligned: 19 Modelled: 21 Confidence: 10.1% Identity: 37% PDB header:motor protein Chain: A: PDB Molecule:flagellar basal-body rod protein flgg; PDBTitle: flgg structure based on the cryoem map of the bacterial flagellar2 polyrod
Region: 27 - 57 Aligned: 31 Modelled: 31 Confidence: 9.7% Identity: 32% PDB header:membrane protein Chain: A: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein rv0899/mt0922; PDBTitle: solution structure of the amino-terminal domain of ompatb, a pore2 forming protein from mycobacterium tuberculosis