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DateFri Aug 2 13:30:05 BST 2019
Unique Job ID9407236113326cb0
SequenceMTGPYFPQTI ... Download FASTA
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Top model
Image coloured by rainbow N → C terminus
Model dimensions (Å):X:33.216 Y:33.192 Z:32.352
Model (left) based on template c2kptA_
Top template information
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:putative secreted protein;
PDBTitle: solution nmr structure of the n-terminal domain of cg24962 protein from corynebacterium glutamicum. northeast3 structural genomics consortium target cgr26a
Confidence and coverage
Confidence: 82.2% Coverage: 52%
97 residues ( 52% of your sequence) have been modelled with 82.2% confidence by the single highest scoring template.
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Template Alignment Coverage3D Model Confidence
% i.d. Template Information

82.2 13
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:putative secreted protein;
PDBTitle: solution nmr structure of the n-terminal domain of cg24962 protein from corynebacterium glutamicum. northeast3 structural genomics consortium target cgr26a

47.7 16
PDB header:translation
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:translation initiation factor eif-2b-like protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the tetrameric eif2b-beta2-delta2 complex from c.2 thermophilum

39.9 14
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: T: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein msmeg_4692/msmei_4575;
PDBTitle: structure of a functional obligate respiratory supercomplex from2 mycobacterium smegmatis

38.7 18
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:conserved domain protein;
PDBTitle: solution nmr structure of the n-terminal domain of protein pg_03612 from p.gingivalis, northeast structural genomics consortium target3 pgr37a

37.9 8
PDB header:toxin
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:cdia-ct toxin, conserved domain protein;
PDBTitle: cdia-ct/cdii toxin and immunity complex from yersinia2 pseudotuberculosis

35.6 9
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:ba41;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the ba41 protein from bizionia argentinensis

33.5 15
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:gallate dioxygenase;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the anaerobic h124f desb-gallate complex

25.2 21
PDB header:ribosomal protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:glub(s27a);
PDBTitle: solution structure of the ubiquitin domain n-terminal to2 the s27a ribosomal subunit of giardia lamblia

23.9 26
PDB header:cell adhesion
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:integrin beta-3;
PDBTitle: bicelle-embedded integrin beta3 transmembrane segment

23.2 15
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dtdp-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase;
PDBTitle: group a streptococcus gaca is an essential dtdp-4-dehydrorhamnose2 reductase (rmld)

23.1 21
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:sso6206;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of sso6206 from sulfolobus solfataricus p2

22.0 13
PDB header:lyase
Chain: F: PDB Molecule:citrate lyase subunit beta-like protein, mitochondrial;
PDBTitle: crystal structure analysis of human clybl in apo form

21.8 25
Fold:LEM/SAP HeH motif
Superfamily:LEM domain
Family:LEM domain

21.7 18
PDB header:lyase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:tryptophan synthase alpha chain;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of tryptophan synthase alpha chain from legionella2 pneumophila subsp. pneumophila

21.2 10
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:nad(p)h-fmn oxidoreductase;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of thermophilic tryptophan halogenase (th-hal)2 enzyme from streptomycin violaceusniger.

20.3 11
Family:NADPH-dependent FMN reductase

19.4 23
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:predicted protease of the collagenase family;
PDBTitle: the structure of the u32 peptidase mk0906

18.8 32
Fold:Carbohydrate phosphatase
Superfamily:Carbohydrate phosphatase
Family:GlpX-like bacterial fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase

18.2 4
PDB header:toxin
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:ec869 cdia-ct;
PDBTitle: cdia-ct/cdii toxin and immunity complex from escherichia coli

18.1 17
PDB header:transport
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:type iv pilus biogenesis and competence protein pilq;
PDBTitle: n0 domain of neisseria meningitidis pilus assembly protein pilq

not modelled 17.8 22
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:growth hormone receptor;
PDBTitle: putative inactive (dormant) dimeric state of ghr transmembrane domain

not modelled 17.6 17
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:baeyer-villiger monooxygenase;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of baeyer-villiger monooxygenase from parvibaculum2 lavamentivorans

not modelled 17.2 21
PDB header:lyase
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:fructose-bisphosphate aldolase;
PDBTitle: fructose-bisphosphate aldolase from slackia heliotrinireducens dsm2 20476

not modelled 16.9 33
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:glutaryl 7- aminocephalosporanic acid acylase;
PDBTitle: crystal structures of glutaryl 7-aminocephalosporanic acid acylase:2 mutational study of activation mechanism

not modelled 16.3 16
PDB header:transport protein
Chain: D: PDB Molecule:transport permease protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of o-antigen polysaccharide abc-transporter

not modelled 16.3 25
Fold:LEM/SAP HeH motif
Superfamily:LEM domain
Family:LEM domain

not modelled 16.1 35
PDB header:protein binding
Chain: K: PDB Molecule:heat shock protein beta-6;
PDBTitle: complex of human 14-3-3 sigma clu1 mutant with phosphorylated heat2 shock protein b6

not modelled 15.0 19
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:mu-like prophage flumu protein gp35, protein
PDBTitle: solution structure of hi1506, a novel two domain protein2 from haemophilus influenzae

not modelled 14.7 13
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:general stress protein 14;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the general stress protein 14 (tde0354) in2 complex with fmn from treponema denticola, northeast structural3 genomics consortium target tdr58.

not modelled 14.4 19
PDB header:translation
Chain: G: PDB Molecule:probable translation initiation factor eif-2b subunit
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2b2 from schizosaccharomyces pombe

not modelled 13.8 23
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: I: PDB Molecule:mbh subunit;
PDBTitle: cryoem structure of a respiratory membrane-bound hydrogenase

not modelled 13.5 17
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:nadph-dependent fmn reductase;
PDBTitle: ferb - flavoenzyme nad(p)h:(acceptor) oxidoreductase (ferb) from2 paracoccus denitrificans

not modelled 13.2 30
PDB header:chaperone
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:heat shock protein beta-1;
PDBTitle: hspb1 fragment second crystal form

not modelled 13.2 19
PDB header:cell adhesion
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:integrin alpha-iib;
PDBTitle: platelet integrin alfaiib-beta3 transmembrane-cytoplasmic2 heterocomplex

not modelled 13.0 20
PDB header:chaperone
Chain: T: PDB Molecule:heat shock protein beta-3,heat shock protein beta-3,heat
PDBTitle: a hetrotetramer of human hspb2 and hspb3

not modelled 12.8 13
PDB header:translation
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:translation initiation factor eif-2b subunit alpha;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2b2 from schizosaccharomyces pombe

not modelled 12.6 13
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:nadph-quinone reductase;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of protein (nadph-quinone reductase) from2 p.pentosaceus, northeast structural genomics consortium target ptr24a

not modelled 12.3 35
PDB header:chaperone
Chain: D: PDB Molecule:alpha-crystallin b chain;
PDBTitle: human alphab crystallin

not modelled 12.0 17
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dimethylaniline monooxygenase, putative;
PDBTitle: baeyer-villiger monooxygenase bvmoafl838 from aspergillus flavus

not modelled 11.5 13
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:pyridine nucleotide-disulfide oxidoreductase-like protein;
PDBTitle: polycyclic ketone monooxygenase from the thermophilic fungus2 thermothelomyces thermophila

not modelled 11.0 26
PDB header:heat shock protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:small heat shock protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure and assembly of tsp36, a metazoan small heat shock2 protein

not modelled 10.8 22
PDB header:isomerase
Chain: D: PDB Molecule:translation initiation factor eif-2b, delta subunit;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of ribose-1,5-bisphosphate isomerase from2 thermococcus kodakaraensis kod1

not modelled 10.7 17
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:cyclohexanone monooxygenase from thermocrispum municipale.;
PDBTitle: cyclohexanone monooxygenase from t. municipale: reduced enzyme bound2 to nadp+

not modelled 10.3 22
PDB header:lyase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:phdj;
PDBTitle: phdj bound to substrate intermediate

not modelled 10.2 11
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:gene product pa4716;
PDBTitle: the structure of a predicted epimerase pa4716 from pseudomonas2 aeruginosa

not modelled 10.2 7
PDB header:membrane protein, metal transport
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:protocadherin-15;
PDBTitle: cryoem structure of mouse pcdh15-1ec-lhfpl5 complex

not modelled 9.9 25
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:lap2;
PDBTitle: n-terminal constant region of the nuclear envelope protein2 lap2

not modelled 9.8 12
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:putative uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: nmr structure of ba42 protein from the psychrophilic bacteria bizionia2 argentinensis sp. nov.

not modelled 9.7 11
PDB header:protein transport
Chain: G: PDB Molecule:protein invg;
PDBTitle: three-dimensional model of salmonella's needle complex at subnanometer2 resolution

not modelled 9.7 10
PDB header:signaling protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:soluble cytochrome b562, delta-type opioid receptor
PDBTitle: 1.8 a structure of the human delta opioid 7tm receptor (psi community2 target)

not modelled 9.6 11
PDB header:lyase
Chain: G: PDB Molecule:tryptophan synthase alpha chain;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of tryptophan synthase from m. tuberculosis -2 ligand-free form, trpa-g66v mutant

not modelled 9.5 23
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:alpha-glucosidase, putative, adg31b;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of agd31b, alpha-transglucosylase,2 complexed with acarbose

not modelled 9.4 21
PDB header:transferase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:epidermal growth factor receptor;
PDBTitle: heterodimeric association of transmembrane domains of erbb1 and erbb22 receptors enabling kinase activation

not modelled 9.2 22
Fold:Diaminopimelate epimerase-like
Superfamily:Diaminopimelate epimerase-like

not modelled 9.2 17

not modelled 9.2 35
PDB header:lipoprotein(surface film)
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:pulmonary surfactant-associated polypeptide c;
PDBTitle: the nmr structure of the pulmonary surfactant-associated2 polypeptide sp-c in an apolar solvent contains a valyl-3 rich alpha-helix

not modelled 9.2 19
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:2-amino-5-chlorophenol 1,6-dioxygenase alpha subunit;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of 1,6-apd (2-animophenol-1,6-dioxygenase) complexed2 with intermediate products

not modelled 9.1 9
PDB header:oxygenase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:phenylacetone monooxygenase;
PDBTitle: phenylacetone monooxygenase, a baeyer-villiger2 monooxygenase

not modelled 9.0 9
Fold:FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain
Superfamily:FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain
Family:FAD/NAD-linked reductases, N-terminal and central domains

not modelled 8.9 26
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:cyclohexanone monooxygenase;
PDBTitle: cyclohexanone-bound crystal structure of cyclohexanone monooxygenase2 in the rotated conformation

not modelled 8.7 14
PDB header:transport protein
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:transport permease protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of o-antigen polysaccharide abc-transporter

not modelled 8.5 26
PDB header:cell adhesion
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:integrin beta-3;
PDBTitle: platelet integrin alfaiib-beta3 transmembrane-cytoplasmic2 heterocomplex

not modelled 8.5 17

not modelled 8.4 18
PDB header:lyase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:acetylene hydratase ahy;
PDBTitle: acetylene hydratase from pelobacter acetylenicus

not modelled 8.3 30
PDB header:chaperone
Chain: T: PDB Molecule:heat shock protein beta-1;
PDBTitle: oligomeric complex of a hsp27 24-mer at 3.6 a resolution

not modelled 8.3 26
PDB header:cell adhesion
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:integrin beta-2;
PDBTitle: solution structure of integrin b2 monomer tranmembrane domain in2 bicelle

not modelled 8.1 17
PDB header:translation
Chain: H: PDB Molecule:translation initiation factor eif-2b-like protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of eif2b delta from chaetomium thermophilum

not modelled 8.1 17
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbb-2;
PDBTitle: spatial structure of her2/erbb2 dimeric transmembrane domain in the2 presence of cytoplasmic juxtamembrane domains

not modelled 8.0 17
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:otemo;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of otemo complex with fad and nadp (form 1)

not modelled 8.0 26
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:cyclohexanone monooxygenase;
PDBTitle: closed crystal structure of cyclohexanone monooxygenase

not modelled 7.9 37
PDB header:chaperone
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:hspb2,heat shock protein beta-2,heat shock protein beta-2,
PDBTitle: a hetrotetramer of human hspb2 and hspb3

not modelled 7.9 12
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:alpha-amylase i;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha-2 amylase 1 (tvai) mutant d356n/e396q complexed with p5, a3 pullulan model oligosaccharide

not modelled 7.9 14
Fold:PTS system fructose IIA component-like
Superfamily:PTS system fructose IIA component-like
Family:EIIA-man component-like

not modelled 7.8 21
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: H: PDB Molecule:translation initiation factor eif-2b subunit delta;
PDBTitle: eukaryotic initiation factor eif2b in complex with isrib

not modelled 7.7 14
PDB header:membrane protein, oxidoreductase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:disulfide bond formation protein b;
PDBTitle: solution nmr structure of dsbb-ubiquinone complex

not modelled 7.7 22
PDB header:heme binding protein
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:extracellular haem-binding protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of hbps

not modelled 7.7 15
PDB header:metal transport/membrane protein
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:divalent cation transport-related protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the cora mg2+ transporter

not modelled 7.6 17
PDB header:unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:glycolate utilization protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of efga from methylobacterium extorquens

not modelled 7.3 16
Fold:Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolase-like
Superfamily:Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolases-like
Family:Universal stress protein-like

not modelled 7.3 8
PDB header:transcription
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:transcription elongation factor spt6;
PDBTitle: structure of the sh2 domain of the candida glabrata2 transcription elongation factor spt6, crystal form b

not modelled 7.3 13
PDB header:immune system, membrane protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:t-cell surface glycoprotein cd4;
PDBTitle: nmr structure of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains2 of human cd4

not modelled 7.2 17
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:steroid monooxygenase;
PDBTitle: oxidized steroid monooxygenase bound to nadp

not modelled 7.1 37
PDB header:chaperone
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:alpha-crystallin b chain;
PDBTitle: solid-state nmr structure of the alpha-crystallin domain in alphab-2 crystallin oligomers

not modelled 7.1 15

not modelled 7.0 17
PDB header:transferase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:ephrin type-a receptor 2;
PDBTitle: epha2 dimeric structure in the lipidic bicelle at ph 5.0

not modelled 7.0 17
PDB header:transferase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:ephrin type-a receptor 2;
PDBTitle: epha2 dimeric structure in the lipidic bicelle at ph 5.0

not modelled 7.0 21
PDB header:metal binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:upf0026 protein mj0257;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of archaeal tyw1

not modelled 6.9 18
PDB header:lyase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:lbcats-a;
PDBTitle: lbcats

not modelled 6.9 18
PDB header:ligase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:succinyl-coa ligase [gdp-forming] alpha-chain,
PDBTitle: crystal structure of pig gtp-specific succinyl-coa synthetase in2 complex with gdp

not modelled 6.7 10
PDB header:transferase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:putative plp-dependent aminotransferase;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of putative plp-dependent aminotransferase2 (np_978343.1) from bacillus cereus atcc 10987 at 2.19 a resolution

not modelled 6.7 37
PDB header:chaperone
Chain: E: PDB Molecule:hspb2,heat shock protein beta-2,heat shock protein beta-2,
PDBTitle: a hetrotetramer of human hspb2 and hspb3

not modelled 6.7 37
PDB header:chaperone
Chain: I: PDB Molecule:hspb2,heat shock protein beta-2,heat shock protein beta-2,
PDBTitle: a hetrotetramer of human hspb2 and hspb3

not modelled 6.6 10
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:upf0603 protein at1g54780, chloroplastic;
PDBTitle: structural and functional analysis of arabidopsis thaliana thylakoid2 lumen protein attlp18.3

not modelled 6.6 19
Fold:TIM beta/alpha-barrel
Superfamily:Phosphoenolpyruvate/pyruvate domain
Family:Phosphoenolpyruvate mutase/Isocitrate lyase-like

not modelled 6.4 11
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:trmb, a global transcription regulator;
PDBTitle: the three-dimensional structure of trmb, a global transcriptional2 regulator of the hyperthermophilic archaeon pyrococcus furiosus in3 complex with sucrose

not modelled 6.4 20
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:predicted atpase of the abc class;
PDBTitle: 2.7 angstrom crystal structure of abc transporter atpase from vibrio2 vulnificus in complex with adenylyl-imidodiphosphate (amp-pnp)

not modelled 6.4 13
PDB header:cell adhesion
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:integrin alpha-1;
PDBTitle: solution nmr structure of transmembrane and cytosolic regions of2 integrin alpha1 in detergent micelles

not modelled 6.1 9
PDB header:lyase
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:dihydrodipicolinate synthase;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from bacillus2 clausii

not modelled 6.0 31
Fold:Uracil-DNA glycosylase-like
Superfamily:Uracil-DNA glycosylase-like
Family:Uracil-DNA glycosylase

Binding site prediction 

Due to computational demand, binding site predictions are not run for batch jobs

If you want to predict binding sites, please manually submit your model of choice to 3DLigandSite

Transmembrane helix prediction 

Transmembrane helices have been predicted in your sequence to adopt the topology shown below