PDB header:proton transport Chain: Q: PDB Molecule:proton-translocating nadh-quinone dehydrogenase subunit q PDBTitle: structure of the photosynthetic complex i from thermosynechococcus2 elongatus
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23 residues ( 10% of your sequence) have been modelled with 57.6% confidence by the single highest scoring template.
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Region: 7 - 26 Aligned: 20 Modelled: 20 Confidence: 20.5% Identity: 35% PDB header:contractile protein Chain: A: PDB Molecule:troponin i, cardiac muscle; PDBTitle: solution structure of the bisphosphorylated cardiac2 specific n-extension of cardiac troponin i
Region: 193 - 218 Aligned: 26 Modelled: 26 Confidence: 7.6% Identity: 35% PDB header:membrane protein Chain: E: PDB Molecule:rhoptry neck protein 2; PDBTitle: co-structure of an ama1 mutant (y230a) with a surface exposed region2 of ron2 from toxoplasma gondii