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DateFri Aug 2 13:30:34 BST 2019
Unique Job ID7b2b6f78a85c7459
SequenceMSALLDGVLD ... Download FASTA
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Top model
Image coloured by rainbow N → C terminus
Model dimensions (Å):X:35.446 Y:54.893 Z:40.365
Model (left) based on template c4z48B_
Top template information
PDB header:structural biology, unknown function
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a duf1329 family protein (despig_00262) from2 desulfovibrio piger atcc 29098 at 1.75 a resolution
Confidence and coverage
Confidence: 93.5% Coverage: 41%
100 residues ( 41% of your sequence) have been modelled with 93.5% confidence by the single highest scoring template.
Additional confident templates have been detected (see Domain analysis) which cover other regions of your sequence.
201 residues ( 82%) could be modelled at >90% confidence using multiple-templates.
You may wish to try resubmitting your sequence in "intensive" mode to model more of your sequence.
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Template Alignment Coverage3D Model Confidence
% i.d. Template Information

93.5 17
PDB header:structural biology, unknown function
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a duf1329 family protein (despig_00262) from2 desulfovibrio piger atcc 29098 at 1.75 a resolution

92.6 11
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized lola superfamily protein ne2245;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of lola superfamily protein ne2245 from2 nitrosomonas europaea

68.2 10
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:putative outer membrane lipoprotein-sorting protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of putative outer membrane lipoprotein-sorting2 protein domain from vibrio parahaemolyticus

38.8 24
PDB header:dna binding protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dna-binding protein satb1;
PDBTitle: solution structure of the mar-binding domain of satb1

33.8 21
PDB header:viral protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:vp17;
PDBTitle: vp17, a capsid protein of bacteriophage p23-77

32.7 23
Fold:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Superfamily:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Family:CUT domain

26.8 28
PDB header:signaling protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:wiskott-aldrich syndrome protein;
PDBTitle: solution structure of the gtpase binding domain of wasp in2 complex with espfu, an ehec effector

23.8 20
PDB header:transferase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:sensor kinase cuss;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of cuss sensor domain with silver bound

23.6 24
PDB header:transport protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:abc transporter, atp-binding protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of tagh

21.5 38
PDB header:transferase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:general glycosylation pathway protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of c. jejuni pglb c-terminal domain

16.8 11
PDB header:protein transport
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of an outer-membrane lipoprotein carrier protein2 (bacuni_04723) from bacteroides uniformis atcc 8492 at 1.40 a3 resolution

15.4 10
Fold:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Superfamily:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Family:CUT domain

13.4 15
Fold:Galactose-binding domain-like
Superfamily:Galactose-binding domain-like

13.4 16
Fold:Galactose-binding domain-like
Superfamily:Galactose-binding domain-like
Family:Family 27 carbohydrate binding module, CBM27

12.8 17
PDB header:transferase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dsrv;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of leuconostoc citreum nrrl b-1299 n-terminally2 truncated dextransucrase dsr-m

12.7 30
Fold:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Superfamily:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Family:CUT domain

9.8 25
PDB header:transcription regulator
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dnaj homolog subfamily c member 2;
PDBTitle: solution nmr structure of the sant domain of human dnajc2, northeast2 structural genomics consortium target hr8254a

9.3 27
PDB header:transferase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:dna (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1;
PDBTitle: structure of the replication foci-targeting sequence of human dna2 cytosine methyltransferase dnmt1

9.2 24
Fold:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Superfamily:lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
Family:CUT domain

9.1 15
PDB header:transcription, transferase/dna
Chain: N: PDB Molecule:mediator of rna polymerase ii transcription subunit 8;
PDBTitle: mediator-rna polymerase ii pre-initiation complex

not modelled 8.5 22
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:swi/snf-related matrix-associated actin-
PDBTitle: solution structure of the sant domain of human swi/snf-2 related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of3 chromatin subfamily c member 1

not modelled 8.3 10
PDB header:hydrolase
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:isatin hydrolase b;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a manganese dependent isatin hydrolase

not modelled 8.3 25
Fold:Galactose-binding domain-like
Superfamily:Galactose-binding domain-like
Family:Family 27 carbohydrate binding module, CBM27

not modelled 8.0 32
PDB header:transcription
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:spcc24b10.08c protein;
PDBTitle: solution structure of the sant domain of fission yeast2 spcc24b10.08c protein

not modelled 7.9 27
Fold:Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome protein, WASP, C-terminal domain
Superfamily:Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome protein, WASP, C-terminal domain
Family:Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome protein, WASP, C-terminal domain

not modelled 7.1 17
PDB header:transcription/rna
Chain: J: PDB Molecule:30s ribosomal protein s10;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of antitermination factors nusb and nuse in complex2 with boxa rna

not modelled 7.0 11
PDB header:ribosome
Chain: 1: PDB Molecule:mitoribosomal protein bl28m, mrpl28;
PDBTitle: structure of the large subunit of the mammalian mitoribosome, part 12 of 2

not modelled 6.9 15
Fold:Homing endonuclease-like
Superfamily:Glucose permease domain IIB
Family:Glucose permease domain IIB

not modelled 6.8 18
PDB header:cell adhesion
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:putative cell adhesion protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a putative cell adhesion protein (bf2867) from2 bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343 at 2.57 a resolution

not modelled 6.6 3
PDB header:viral protein
Chain: F: PDB Molecule:major capsid protein;
PDBTitle: faustovirus major capsid protein

not modelled 6.5 16
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Family:Myb/SANT domain

not modelled 6.5 26
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Family:Myb/SANT domain

not modelled 6.5 19
Fold:Fe,Mn superoxide dismutase (SOD), C-terminal domain
Superfamily:Fe,Mn superoxide dismutase (SOD), C-terminal domain
Family:Fe,Mn superoxide dismutase (SOD), C-terminal domain

not modelled 6.3 22
PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:pilo protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the type 4 fimbrial biogenesis protein pilo from2 pseudomonas aeruginosa

not modelled 6.2 15
Fold:Long alpha-hairpin
Superfamily:Fe,Mn superoxide dismutase (SOD), N-terminal domain
Family:Fe,Mn superoxide dismutase (SOD), N-terminal domain

not modelled 6.1 19
PDB header:transcription
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:cro protein;
PDBTitle: structure of the cro protein from putative prophage element xfaso 1 in2 xylella fastidiosa strain ann-1

not modelled 6.0 15
PDB header:de novo protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:de novo designed protein or459;
PDBTitle: solution nmr structure of de novo designed protein, northeast2 structural genomics consortium (nesg) target or459

not modelled 5.8 13
PDB header:regulator
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:sigma-e factor regulatory protein rseb;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of rseb: a sensor for periplasmic stress2 response in e. coli

not modelled 5.5 14
Fold:Galactose-binding domain-like
Superfamily:Galactose-binding domain-like

not modelled 5.5 21
Fold:DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle

not modelled 5.3 15
PDB header:signaling protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of lrp6-e1e2

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