Phyre Home Retrieve Phyre Job Id
DateWed Aug 7 12:50:38 BST 2019
Unique Job IDb6736830df27cb61
SequenceMASVEFATIL ... Download FASTA
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Top model
Image coloured by rainbow N → C terminus
Model dimensions (Å):X:58.071 Y:47.889 Z:72.418
Model (left) based on template c5i20E_
Top template information
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: E: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of protein
Confidence and coverage
Confidence:100.0% Coverage: 91%
274 residues ( 91% of your sequence) have been modelled with 100.0% confidence by the single highest scoring template.
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Template Alignment Coverage3D Model Confidence
% i.d. Template Information

100.0 16
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: E: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of protein

100.0 15
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: C: PDB Molecule:uncharacterized protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of protein

100.0 12
PDB header:transport protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:cmp-sialic acid transporter;
PDBTitle: x-ray crystal structure of the mouse cmp-sialic acid transporter in2 complex with cmp, by lipidic cubic phase

100.0 13
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: E: PDB Molecule:gdp-mannose transporter 1;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of a nucleotide sugar transporter

100.0 12
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:cmp-sialic acid transporter 1;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of cmp bound cst in an outward facing conformation

99.9 10
PDB header:transport protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:putative hexose phosphate translocator;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the triose-phosphate/phosphate translocator in2 complex with 3-phosphoglycerate

97.7 19
Fold:Multidrug resistance efflux transporter EmrE
Superfamily:Multidrug resistance efflux transporter EmrE
Family:Multidrug resistance efflux transporter EmrE

15.4 12
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: G: PDB Molecule:nadh-quinone oxidoreductase subunit j;
PDBTitle: t.elongatus ndh (data-set 2)

14.6 15
PDB header:transport protein
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:protein emre;
PDBTitle: cryo-em based theoretical model structure of transmembrane2 domain of the multidrug-resistance antiporter from e. coli3 emre

11.5 19
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: B: PDB Molecule:ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit;
PDBTitle: structure of a functional obligate respiratory supercomplex from2 mycobacterium smegmatis

7.5 33
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of i-substituted photosystem ii complex

7.5 33
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of i-substituted photosystem ii complex

6.8 21
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:c99;
PDBTitle: the solution nmr structure of the transmembrane c-terminal domain of2 the amyloid precursor protein (c99)

5.9 27
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of br-substituted photosystem ii complex

5.9 27
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of br-substituted photosystem ii complex

5.3 5
PDB header:transport protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:l-fucose-proton symporter;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of the e.coli fucose:proton symporter, fucp (n162a)

5.3 29
PDB header:oxidoreductase, electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: structure of t.elongatus photosystem ii, rows of dimers crystal2 packing

5.3 29
PDB header:oxidoreductase, electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: structure of t.elongatus photosystem ii, rows of dimers crystal2 packing

5.3 13
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:cobalamin biosynthesis protein cbim;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of an truncated transition metal transporter

5.3 13
PDB header:membrane protein
Chain: A: PDB Molecule:cobalamin biosynthesis protein cbim;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of an truncated transition metal transporter

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center l protein;
PDBTitle: architecture of the photosynthetic oxygen evolving center

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport,photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt xfel structure of photosystem ii in the dark state at 4.9 a2 resolution

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of monomeric form of cyanobacterial photosystem ii

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of cyanobacterial photosystem ii in complex with2 terbutryn (part 1 of 2). this file contains first monomer of psii3 dimer

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport, photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure analysis of photosystem ii complex

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport, photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure analysis of photosystem ii complex

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport,photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt xfel structure of photosystem ii 500 ms after the 2nd illumination2 (2f) at 4.5 a resolution

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center l protein;
PDBTitle: architecture of the photosynthetic oxygen evolving center

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport,photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt xfel structure of photosystem ii 250 microsec after the third2 illumination at 5.2 a resolution

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport,photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt xfel structure of photosystem ii 500 ms after the 2nd illumination2 (2f) at 4.5 a resolution

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport,photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt xfel structure of photosystem ii 500 ms after the third2 illumination at 4.6 a resolution

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: serial time resolved crystallography of photosystem ii using a2 femtosecond x-ray laser. the s state after two flashes (s3)

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: fs x-ray diffraction of photosystem ii

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of cyanobacterial photosystem ii (part 2 of 2). this2 file contains second monomer of psii dimer

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center l protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of photosystem ii from thermosynechococcus elongatus

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt fs x-ray diffraction of photosystem ii, dark state

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of cyanobacterial photosystem ii in complex with2 terbutryn (part 2 of 2). this file contains second monomer of psii3 dimer

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport,photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt xfel structure of photosystem ii 500 ms after the third2 illumination at 4.6 a resolution

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport,photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt xfel structure of photosystem ii in the dark state at 4.9 a2 resolution

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of cyanobacterial photosystem ii (part 1 of 2). this2 file contains first monomer of psii dimer

not modelled 5.2 29
Fold:Single transmembrane helix
Superfamily:Photosystem II reaction center protein L, PsbL

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: structure of sr-substituted photosystem ii

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport, photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of oxygen-evolving photosystem ii at 1.9 angstrom2 resolution

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: macromolecular diffractive imaging using imperfect crystals - bragg2 data

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport, photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: native structure of photosystem ii (dataset-2) by a femtosecond x-ray2 laser

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt fs x-ray diffraction of photosystem ii, dark state

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center l protein;
PDBTitle: crystal structure of photosystem ii from thermosynechococcus elongatus

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt fs x-ray diffraction of photosystem ii, first illuminated state

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport, photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: native structure of photosystem ii (dataset-2) by a femtosecond x-ray2 laser

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: D: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii d2 protein;
PDBTitle: fs x-ray diffraction of photosystem ii

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt fs x-ray diffraction of photosystem ii, first illuminated state

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport,photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: rt xfel structure of photosystem ii 250 microsec after the third2 illumination at 5.2 a resolution

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport, photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: native structure of photosystem ii (dataset-1) by a femtosecond x-ray2 laser

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:oxidoreductase
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: serial time resolved crystallography of photosystem ii using a2 femtosecond x-ray laser. the s state after two flashes (s3)

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: macromolecular diffractive imaging using imperfect crystals - bragg2 data

not modelled 5.2 29
PDB header:electron transport, photosynthesis
Chain: L: PDB Molecule:photosystem ii reaction center protein l;
PDBTitle: native structure of photosystem ii (dataset-1) by a femtosecond x-ray2 laser

Binding site prediction 

Due to computational demand, binding site predictions are not run for batch jobs

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Transmembrane helix prediction 

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