PDB header:endoglycosidase Chain: A: PDB Molecule:peptide-n(4)-(n-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminyl) PDBTitle: the three-dimensional structure of pngase f, a2 glycosylasparaginase from flavobacterium meningosepticum
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9 residues ( 9% of your sequence) have been modelled with 48.3% confidence by the single highest scoring template.
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Region: 42 - 76 Aligned: 35 Modelled: 35 Confidence: 27.4% Identity: 23% PDB header:membrane protein Chain: C: PDB Molecule:transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily m PDBTitle: human trpm2 ion channel in an adpr-bound state
Region: 30 - 58 Aligned: 26 Modelled: 29 Confidence: 12.5% Identity: 23% PDB header:metal binding protein Chain: A: PDB Molecule:duf1989 family protein; PDBTitle: crystal structure of a duf1989 family protein (tm1040_0329) from2 silicibacter sp. tm1040 at 1.11 a resolution
Region: 36 - 44 Aligned: 9 Modelled: 9 Confidence: 8.5% Identity: 44% PDB header:lipid binding protein Chain: A: PDB Molecule:antilipopolysaccharide factor; PDBTitle: solution structure of an antilipopolysaccharide factor from2 shrimp and its possible lipid a binding site