MSMEG4471 (MSMEG4471)

background  +5   0  -5 -10 -15 sgRNA L2FC (+ATc/–ATc) TnSeq Gene Essentiality Predictions (1, 2) Essential Growth Defect Non-Essential Growth Advantage Unknown Operon Legend (3) Operon (1) PMID: 28096490 (2) PMID: 31388080 (3) PMID: 26536359 MSMEG4469 MSMEG4470 MSMEG4471 MSMEG4472 MSMEG4473 MSMEG4474
Species: M. smegmatis
Strain: MC2-155
PATRIC Annotation: -
M. tuberculosis homologs RVBD2327, RVBD0042c, RVBD0737, RVBD0880
M. abscessus homologs MAB0208, MAB0157, MAB1184c, MAB1138c, MAB3329c
Gene Start: 4554168
Gene End: 4554617
Vulnerability Index (VI): 0.2990
VI Lower Bound: -0.2300
VI Upper Bound: 1.0440


Call Condition Type Source Notes
Non Essential in vitro TnSeq [Akusobi et al. (2022)]
Non Essential in vitro CRISPRi [Bosch & DeJesus et al. (2021)]

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[Full list of passaging experiments]

Experiment: We designed an M. tuberculosis CRISPRi library (RLC12) to target all annotated Mtb genes with single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) of varying predicted knockdown efficiencies. In parallel, we constructed a M. smegmatis CRISPRi library (RLC11) to target all annotated Msmeg genes, similar to the Mtb sgRNA library. RLC12 was transformed into M. tuberculosis H37Rv; RLC11 into M. smegmatis mc2-155. We passaged both CRISPRi libraries for nearly 30 generations in the presence or absence of the CRISPRi-inducer anhydrotetracycline (ATc). At the indicated timepoints, genomic DNA was harvested and the representation of individual sgRNAs was counted using Illumina sequencing. Here, we show sgRNA log2 fold-change values (L2FC) (plus versus minus ATc) over consecutive generations for sgRNAs targeting the gene you selected. sgRNAs are color-coded based on their predicted strength from blue (strength=0; weak) to red (strength=1; strong).

In order to quantify gene vulnerability, data were subsequently analyzed with a hierarchical model at the sgRNA level (two-line model) and gene level (Hill curve). The vulnerability quantification is shown below. [More information]

M. smegmatis Reference Fitness Experiment M. tuberculosis H37Rv Reference Fitness Experiment M. tuberculosis HN878 Reference Fitness Experiment
M. smegmatis Gene-Level Logistic Regression M. tuberculosis H37Rv Gene-Level Logistic Regression (Most similar ortholog) M. tuberculosis HN878 Gene-Level Logistic Regression (Most similar ortholog)
Vulnerability Index (VI) 0.2990 0.3720
VI Lower Bound -0.2300 -0.6080
VI Upper Bound 1.0440 1.8170

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