PDB header:structural genomics, unknown function Chain: A: PDB Molecule:esat-6-like protein 6; PDBTitle: crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis h37rv esxop2 (rv2346c-rv2347c) complex in space group c2221
Confidence and coverage
58 residues ( 62% of your sequence) have been modelled with 100.0% confidence by the single highest scoring template.
Additional confident templates have been detected (see Domain analysis) which cover other regions of your sequence.
92 residues ( 98%) could be modelled at >90% confidence using multiple-templates.
You may wish to try resubmitting your sequence in "intensive" mode to model more of your sequence.
Region: 3 - 94 Aligned: 92 Modelled: 92 Confidence: 95.4% Identity: 18% PDB header:unknown function Chain: B: PDB Molecule:esat-6-like protein esxh; PDBTitle: structure and features of the complex formed by the tuberculosis2 virulence factors rv0287 and rv0288
Region: 3 - 92 Aligned: 90 Modelled: 90 Confidence: 65.0% Identity: 11% PDB header:viral protein Chain: A: PDB Molecule:putative uncharacterized protein sag1039; PDBTitle: structure of the homodimeric wxg-100 family protein from streptococcus2 agalactiae
Region: 3 - 85 Aligned: 83 Modelled: 83 Confidence: 16.8% Identity: 14% PDB header:unknown function Chain: D: PDB Molecule:secreted protein esxb; PDBTitle: the crystal structure of a secreted protein esxb (wild-type, in p212 space group) from bacillus anthracis str. sterne
Region: 19 - 82 Aligned: 48 Modelled: 48 Confidence: 9.1% Identity: 31% Fold: LigA subunit of an aromatic-ring-opening dioxygenase LigAB Superfamily: LigA subunit of an aromatic-ring-opening dioxygenase LigAB Family: LigA subunit of an aromatic-ring-opening dioxygenase LigAB
Region: 10 - 41 Aligned: 32 Modelled: 32 Confidence: 7.2% Identity: 41% PDB header:viral protein Chain: I: PDB Molecule:p1; PDBTitle: structure of the capsid protein p1 of the bacteriophage phi8